Year 7 Handbook
Academic program, assessment procedures and policies

Year 7 Assessment Policies and Procedures Handbook


Year 7 Assessment Calendar

This online assessment calendar is available in the TASS Student Cafe and TASS Parent Lounge

Special consideration

Illness and Misadventure Appeal Form

Requests for an extension because of illness, misadventure or family business must be made to the KLA Coordinator using the Illness and Misadventure Appeal form. Requests for extensions must be made as soon as possible after the need for such a request is realised.

ASAP Permission form

The aim of this program is to support students to achieve their full academic potential. It will commence in Week 1, -and will operate on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:15 to 4:30 throughout the term . 

Download and complete the permission note and return to Mr Stevens